The market saw a considerable drop in sales last year, with a decline of 31.2% attributed to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy. However, the industry has turned a corner this year, as the country reported 1,900 new vehicle sales. Despite facing continued economic challenges, the auto market in Cameroon saw a consistent upward trend throughout most of the year.

Analysis of Market Growth

In Cameroon, the vehicle market grew by 4.5% in 2022. This means that 1,900 new cars were sold, more than last year when the market dropped by 31.2%.

Almost every month, more people buy cars in Cameroon. This is good news for the car industry and the country's economy. It means more people are buying cars, which shows they have more money and can spend it on new vehicles.

Market Segmentation

When we talk about the vehicle market in Cameroon, we can split it into two types of vehicles. Cars and motorcycles. Cars are more extensive and can fit more people, while motorcycles are smaller and are better for just one or two people. In 2022, Cameroon sold 1,600 cars and 300 motorcycles. That means that most people in Cameroon prefer to drive cars!

Medium-Term Market Trend

Looking at the next few years, the Cameroon vehicle market is expected to see moderate growth. It won't grow too fast or slow, just in the middle. It's also important to remember that many people in Cameroon still buy used cars from other countries. This might keep the market from growing too quickly.

However, if the country continues to invest in infrastructure and its economy grows, we might see more people buying new cars.


Last year, Cameroon's auto market grew by 4.5%, with 1,900 new vehicle sales. This is good news for the economy, as it shows more people are buying cars.